What Programming languages to learn first?


Your first thought must be python as your colleagues and friend must be talking about its easy to learn syntax and its endless possibilities with Machine learning,Data Science,Data Mining,Web Development ets you may also heard of Flask,Django,Fast Api and Tensorflow to fuel your enthusiasm to learn but stop right there one thing nobody tell you about python is that once you learn it as your first programming language other language will appear hell because of there hard to remember syntax,pointer,Memory Allocation System ,Memory allocation appear like-

If one take advice from experienced programmer/Developer they'll have to face melancholy of harsh truth that first language to learn should always be a low level language so that one can understand logic of programming topics like memory allocation,passing value in function using pointer ets, It is recommended to learn C,C++,Java as first language then move to high level languages like python,Go as once you have taste of how programming languages work it will become easy for you to learn any language with little effort

Yes you may consider your friend/classmate/colleague using there first language to do miracle with Web Development or Machine learning but in long run a python learner face problem with learning other language as most language will require you to manually implement logic that python libraries do Conclusion, If your are thinking of starting career in Programming world the first language can be C,C++ or java then you can move on to frameworks like springboot for java or learn python and discover its possibilities in the field you like
